West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association


Policy on Installation of and Assumption of Office by Association Elected and Appointed Officials

Adopted: November 28, 2000

1. Effective with the November 2001 annual election meeting of the West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association, elected officials shall be installed in office and assume the responsibilities, thereof, at the beginning of the Association’s first normal business meeting following the annual election meeting that occurs after the start of the new calendar year. This will under most circumstances be the Association meeting in January.

2. At this meeting, the newly elected President of the Association shall submit for approval by the membership as many as possible of his or her choices of appointees to serve as Chairpersons of the Association’s Standing Committees.

3. Likewise, at this meeting, the persons selected by the President to be a Chairpersons of the Association’s Standing Committees shall announce as many as possible of their appointees the have contacted and who, in turn, have agreed to be members of their committees.

4. It is the intent of the Association that this meeting is used to announce appointments, to tally these appointments against all of the Association’s appointive positions and, where the need exists, to solicit or arrange to solicit volunteers to fill as many as possible of the vacant Association positions. Appointive positions to be filled by this process shall include those specifically designated by the Constitution and By-Laws, and also those created by either Association elected officials or by committee chairpersons to carry out the objectives and purposes of the Association. Examples of appointive positions specifically designated by the Constitution and By-Laws include the Editor of the Association Newsletter, and the positions called out under the headings of the Communication System Trustees and Operating Committees in the Association’s By-Laws.